UG field trip to stromatolite exposures of Dharwar cratonShakir presenting his work at Goldschmidt 2019Scientist from Royal Dutch Shell visiting our labProsenjit with Prof. K. Gopalan in front of IISC main buildingProsenjit convening a session at Goldschimdt 2019Prof. S.K Bhattacharya visiting our lab in 2013Post conference group hangout in Paris during Goldschmidt 2017Lunch with Prof. Fred Taylor during his lab visitLab members with the rangoli during DiwaliISRO scientists visiting our labGroup pic with Prof. Riding after the fieldwork during GIAN course on microbial carbonatesGroup pic at Madrid airport before Goldschmidt 2019Fieldwork with collaborators at ZaragozaFieldwork at CuddapahDuring fieldwork at ZaragozaDiscussions with Prof. BenderArya collecting microbilaite and water samples from solar salterns